Caesar Bailey

first name
last name
birth, death year
circa 1749 , --
first, last year in records
1771, 1781
confidence level
freed status (year freed)
enslaved, then free
Dickinson, Nathaniel; Dickinson, Samuel;
Deerfield, MA  
place of origin


Caesar was enslaved by Nathaniel Dickinson of Deerfield, Massachusetts. From Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (Vol. 1, pg. 526), we learn that he was 32 years old when he enlisted in 1781.  He was 5 ft., 7 in. tall, with a black complexion and black hair. His occupation was listed as farmer.

In 1771, Caesar stole a gallon of rum. His Hampshire County court record is below:

To Thomas Williams one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Hampshire, John Williams of sd County, Gentleman, against Cesar a laborer, a servant of Nathaniel Dickinson of Deerfield aforesaid that on the last day of November A.D. 1771, he sd Cesar did at Deerfield aforesaid, feloniously take steal and carry away one gallon of West India Rum, of the value of four shillings Lawful money, the property of yr complainant and other enormities there and then did against the peace & contrary to law. Wherefore yr complainant prays that a warrant may issue against sd Cesar, that he may be apprehended and dealt with according to law & as in duty bound.

Caesar was brought to trial, but the outcome is unknown.  The expenses for his trial are listed in pounds, shillings, and pence:

Sheriffs fees for service                             1-4
one assistant one day                              4-
Two witnesses 1 day each   Titus negro   1-6 
John Linsey                                             1-6
Comp t  [complaint] & warrant              1-6
Entry & c.                                               3-4
Total                                                     13-2

Threefold damages                              12- £1-5-2

Examined and allowed Thomas Williams Justo Pace. [Justice of the Peace] 

Caesar first enlisted in April of 1775, when he signed up for 8 months. He served in the Boston, Massachusetts area and was present at the Lexington Alarm. For his service he was paid £2 and 5 shillings. In 1781, he enlisted for another three years.

First Church of Deerfield records show that on January 16, 1778, Caesar married Hagar. Both were recorded as being "servants to Samuel Dickinson." Nathaniel and Samuel were brothers who lived together until their farm was seized due to Nathaniel's Tory (favoring British rule) activities.  Caesar and Hagar then became Samuel's property.

Caesar died fighting and years later Hagar filed for his pension but was turned down, due to "no proof of service, contradictory statements."

Military Service







Primary Source Entries for Caesar Bailey

Entry Source Vol Name Date entry id
  Ceasar70 Baily Apr. 3 32 [age?] black 5-7 [height?] [Seth Bannstin [?], capt[ain] Court Records Booklet Single 1775 835
...Namd caesar and Have him before this Honorable Const for Trial..... Deerfield, MA, Town Records Deerfield, MA, Town Records 5-VIII, Box 11, Folder A-1 1771 2385
To Thomas Williams Esqr one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the county of Hampshire Complains John Williams of Deerfield in Sd County Gentleman against Caesar a Labourer & Servant of Nathaniel Dickinson of Deerfield.... Deerfield, MA, Town Records Deerfield, MA, Town Records 5-VIII, Box 11, Folder A-1 1771 2384
  [Nathaniel] Dickinson Dr [_?_] your Black 4 Dr. Thomas Williams Day Book Volume 1 1748 103
"Married Caesar & Hagar, Servants to Samuel Dickinson" First Congregational Church of Deerfield, Massachusetts Single 1778 Jan 16 327
Nathaniel Dickinson Dr Dr to Casar to 1/2 lb Pepper John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1770 Jul 28 1873
Nathaniel Dickinson Dr Pr Ceasor to 1 Bushel Salt John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1771 Apr 29 331
Nathll Dickinson Dr Dd Casar to 2 lb Powder 4/4 to 1 lb shott /6 John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1771 Oct 28 330
Nathanil Dicinson Dr Dd Negro to 4 lb of powder @ 2/ to 1/2 yd of wier 1d 8/1 John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1772 Nov 20 1633
Nathanll Dickinson Dr Dd Casar to 4 lb Powder 8/ John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1772 Nov 26 332
Caesar Dickinson Dr to 1 pt Rum /5 to 1 pr Worsted Hose 4/ Cr by 11 1/2 lbs of Mutton @1/6 old tenor Dr To Set of Tea Cups & Saucers John and Eunice Williams Day Book 1770 - 1773 1773 Jun 20 329
Nath Dickinson Dr Dd Ceasar to 1/2 yd Shalloon @2/10 to 1 1/2 doz. buttons @8d John Williams Day Book 1773-1779 1775 Jan 26 652
Samll Dickinson Cr. By Cash 75/0/0 to Cash Do Caesar 37/ / - John Williams Day Book 1773-1779 1778 May 27 1050
Samuel Dickinson acct. to Cesar drving plow a day 0-15-0 Jonathan Ashley Account Book Single 1757 39
Cesar Baley from Apr 1775 8 months 45/ £ 2.5 Town of Deerfield, MA, Wars - Revolution Box 5 1775 Apr 1326
to a pair of Shoes for Cesar 2-12-0 Zadock Hawks Account Book 1768-1783 1775 Jan 1385
Cesar and Hagar, servants to Samuel Dickinson, Jan. 16, 1778 Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Marriages 1778 Jan 16 2056
Hagar and Cesar, servants to Samuel Dickinson, Jan. 16, 1778 Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Marriages 1778 Jan 16 2057
Cesar Negro (Srt.); James House co.; F. Wm Henry; 11/27/55 - 5/24/56 Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars 1755 - 1756 1755 - 1756 1755 1518
Ceasar Negro; Edward; Jos. Wright's co.; Dwight's reg.; sick, elsewhereCeasar Negro; 22 yrs. old; birthplace: Hadley; at Edwards; John Moseley's co.; Dwight's reg.; a volunteer; sick, present, Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars 1755 - 1756 1755 - 1756 1755 1517
Bailey or Dickinson, Ceaser a-e 9 [days] [a = a Minute Man who responded to the Lexington Alarm e = men who were probably there] Muster Roll Capt. Joseph Stebbins...August 1775 Col Jona Brewer Reg Sheldon, George. notes Box 5:4, List of Dfld. People who Served in the Campaign of 1775 Box 5:4 1775 1566
Bailey or Dickinson, Ceaser a-e 9 [days] [a = a Minute Man who responded to the Lexington Alarm e = men who were probably there] Muster Roll Capt. Joseph Stebbins...August 1775 Col Jona Brewer Reg Sheldon, George. notes Box 5:4, List of Dfld. People who Served in the Campaign of 1775 Box 5:4 1775 1567
Baily, Ceasar alias Ceasar Dickinson 1775 - 1781 (32) 3 yrs Sheldon, George. notes Box 5:4, Sheldon's roster of Rev. soldiers Box 5:4, 1775 1569
Bailey, Ceasar 1775 -177_ d. in Service Sheldon, George. notes Box 5:4, Sheldon's roster of Rev. soldiers Box 5:4, 1775 1568

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