Fourth Meeting House

Deerfield, MA

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Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
"Pompey Servant to Justic Jonathan Wells, Adam and Peter Servants to Justice Thomas Wells, & Casar Servant to Ebenezer Wells assented to the articles of ye xtian faith Entered into Covenant and were Baptized. & Lusy Servant to Ebenezer Wells was Baptized 1734 Jun 15 Caesar, 313
"Adam Servant to Justice Thomas Wells, confessed the Sin of fornication... and they were received into Charity with people" 1734 Jun 15 Adam, 323
"Pompey Servant to Justic Jonathan Wells, Adam and Peter Servants to Justice Thomas Wells, & Casar Servant to Ebenezer Wells assented to the articles of ye xtian faith Entered into Covenant and were Baptized. & Lusy Servant to Ebenezer Wells was Baptized 1734 Jun 15 Lucy Terry Prince, 1006
"Pompey Servant to Justic Jonathan Wells, Adam and Peter Servants to Justice Thomas Wells, & Casar Servant to Ebenezer Wells assented to the articles of ye xtian faith Entered into Covenant and were Baptized. & Lusy Servant to Ebenezer Wells was Baptized 1734 Jun 15 Adam, 312
...and Peter his Servant Confessed Sins of drunkeness & stealing and they were received into Charity with people" 1734 Jun 15 Peter, 1022
Pompey Servant to Justice Jonathan Wells, Adam and Peter Servants to Justice Thomas Wells, & Casar Servant to Ebenezer Wells assented to the articles of ye xtian faith Entered into Covenant and were Baptized. & Lusy Servant to Ebenezer Wells was Baptized 1735 Jun 15 Pompey, 1007
Pompey Servant to Justice Jonathan Wells, Adam and Peter Servants to Justice Thomas Wells, & Casar Servant to Ebenezer Wells assented to the articles of ye xtian faith Entered into Covenant and were Baptized. & Lusy Servant to Ebenezer Wells was Baptized 1735 Jun 15 Peter, 1008
Caesar Servant to Ebenzr Wells 1736 Feb 27 Caesar, 308
Pompey Negro and Rebecca his wife 1736 Aug 29 Pompey, 1004
Pompey Negro and Rebecca his wife 1736 Aug 29 Rebecca, 1024
Fortune Servant to Samuell Dickinson was Baptized upon his Mistress account "Names of Children Baptized" 1737 Jun 22 Fortune, 266
Titus Servant to John Wells was Baptized upon his masters account 1737 Jun 22 Titus, 1009
Peter Negro Confessed the Sins of excessive drinking, fornication & stealing & was restored to Charity." 1738 Oct 22 Peter, 1020
Baptized Cato Servant to the Revd Mr Jonathan Ashley 1739 Aug 19 Cato Cole, 316
Peter Negro Confess'd the Sins of fornication Lying Stealing & Drunkeness & was restored to Charity." 1741 Apr 12 Peter, 1021
Baptized Caesar Servant to Widow Mary Wells he covenanting himself 1741 Jun 14 Caesar, 315
Pompey Negro confessed the sin of fornication and was restored 1741 Jul 19 Pompey Negro, 2061
Baptized Caesar Servant to Lieutenant Jonathan Hoit 1741 Jul 26 Caesar, 314
Baptized Pompey Servant to Ebenezer Shelden 1741 Aug 16 Pompey, 1010
"Adam Negro Confes'd the Sin of Lying and was restored to Xian [Christian] [Ways]" 1741 Aug 29 Adam, 322
Lusey Servant to Ebenezer Wells was admitted to the fellowship of the chh. 1744 Aug 19 Lucy Terry Prince, 1005
"Caesar Servant to the Widow Mary Wells was admitted to the Communion of this chh" 1745 Apr 28 Caesar, 310
Mesheck Servant to Mr Ebenezer Hinsdell 1747 Jan 31 Mesheck, 1632
Baptized Mesheck Servant to Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell 1747 Jan 31 Mesheck, 1011
"Baptized Caesar Son to Abijah Negro & Lusey his wife" 1757 Feb 13 Cesar Prince, 1012
Duroxa Daughter to Abijah Prince & Lusey his wife 1758 Jul 30 Duruxa Prince, 319
"Baptized Drusilla daughter to Abijah Prince & Lusy his wife." 1760 Sep 7 Drucilla Prince, 1013
Baptized Humphry, Servant to Timothy Childs & Titus Servant to Daniel Arms 1762 Dec 5 Titus, 1014
Baptized Humphry, Servant to Timothy Childs & Titus Servant to Daniel Arms 1762 Dec 5 Humphry, 320
"Baptized Festus Son to Abijah Prince & Lusey his wife" 1763 Jan 29 Festus Sr. Prince, 1015
"Baptized Tatnai Son of Abijah Prince & his wife" 1765 Sep 22 Tatnai Prince, 1016
"Baptized Onesimus Negro Servant to Major Williams." 1766 Oct 19 Onesimus, 1017
"Titus Negro Confes'd the Sin of Stealing, Lying & disobedience to his Master" 1767 May 31 , 1023
"Abijah Prince Son to Abijah Prince & Lucy his wife" 1769 Aug 6 Abijah Prince Jr., 1018
"Married Caesar & Hagar, Servants to Samuel Dickinson" 1778 Jan 16 Hagar, 324
"Married Caesar & Hagar, Servants to Samuel Dickinson" 1778 Jan 16 Caesar, 327
Baptized by Mr. Parsons... Patience negro Servant to Mrs. Silliman 1782 Dec 29 Patience, 1019
Baptized by Mr. Parsons Lemuel Servant to Mrs. Silliman 1786 Aug 27 Lemuel, 4 10 539
"A Negro Child 1 year" 1791 Negro child, 998
Robert - a Negro June Reumatism [?] 24 [years] [died] 1793 Robert a Negro, 1001
Sarrah a negro fits 40 [years] [died] 1794 Jan Sarah, 1002
"John Rowley & Dinah negress" marriage 1794 May 6 Dinah Freedom Rowley, 326
"Noble Spencer & Cloe Syllaman" 1794 Oct 23 Cloe Silliman, 325
"Noble Spencer & Cloe Syllaman" 1794 Oct 23 Noble Spencer, 1003
"A black girl at Muddy Brook - Feb" 1798 Feb black girl, 302
"A negro Child - No[v] croup 4 [years] 1801 Nov Negro child, 999
Ezra a negro [May] 36 [years] [died] 1802 May Ezra, 307
"A black child [Jun.] dys. 11 [years]" 1803 Jun black child, 301
"Eunice- a black girl - Jan. con. 18 years" 1805 Jan Eunice, 306
"a child of Esther, a black woman - 5 years" 1807 Dec child of Esther, 303
"A child of Joseph & Esther - Jan. 13 months" 1808 Jan child of Esther, 304
Jenny a black woman - killed by a fall - 90 [years] 1808 Aug Jin Cole, 1000
"A child of Susannah a black woman Dec. Scald- 14 months" 1809 Dec child of Susannah, 305

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