Court Records Booklet

Deerfield, MA
The “Court Records Booklet” contains miscellaneous information relating to individuals' Revolutionary War service from court records transcribed by George Sheldon, the author of a 2-volume history of Deerfield, Massachusetts. It is included in the Deerfield town papers at the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library.

Table of contents

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Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
  Ceasar70 Baily Apr. 3 32 [age?] black 5-7 [height?] [Seth Bannstin [?], capt[ain] 1775 Caesar Bailey, 835
  Charles Paine 2nd term 6 mos. 1781 1781 Charles Paine, Sr., 836

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No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id