John Freeman

first name
last name
birth, death year
1788 , 1824
first, last year in records
--, --
confidence level
freed status (year freed)
Deerfield, MA  
place of origin


John Freeman is listed in the 1820 federal census for Deerfield, Massachusetts with one in the column for "Free Colored" men between the ages of 26 and 44.  In December of 1822, the Deerfield, Massachusetts Overseers of the Poor wrote to the overseers of Petersham, Massachusetts to see if they would take him on. Deerfield's Dr. Stephen West Williams stated that due to a badly swollen knee, Freeman couldn't work and needed care. Petersham town officials responded in February of 2023, saying:

you say John Freeman an negro has become Chargable and he is a Pauper of this Town and you charge the expence to this Town- we wholly denye the said John Freemans Settlement belonging to this town....

They refused to pay any expenses regarding Freeman. He died in Deerfield in 1824, at the age of 36.

Primary Source Entries for John Freeman

Entry Source Vol Name Date entry id
John Freeman's certificate Town of Deerfield, MA, Overseers of the Poor Box 9 1822 Dec 21 2118
The bearer John Freeman has applied to us for support assistance has a bad swelling in his knee and is unable to labour. Doctor Stephen W. Williams says he must be taken care of he probably has not any settlement in the Commonwealth we think it proper to Town of Deerfield, MA, Overseers of the Poor Box 9 1822 Dec 21 1331
Gentlemen Selectmen and overseers of the Poor of the Town of Deerfield. we Recd. your of the 18th in which you say John John Freeman an negro has become Chargeable and he is a Pauper of this Town and you charge the expense to this Town - we wholly deny th Town of Deerfield, MA, Overseers of the Poor Box 9 1823 Feb 28 1332
John Freeman, negro, 1823 Town of Deerfield, MA, Overseers of the Poor Box 9 1823 2119
Freeman, John, March 24, 2824. Negro a. 36 y. CRI Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Deaths 1824 Mar 24 828
Freeman, John, Hampshire Co. ( 6 "number of other free persons in family, except Indians not taxed," in his household) MA Census 1800 1800 1800 1507

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