Town of Deerfield, Overseers of the Poor

Deerfield, MA

Table of contents

1756 to 1817 Box 9, A-F 1756-1817

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1764 to 1828 Box 9, G-Z 1764-1828

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Joseph Barnard, Joseph Stebbins, John Williams, overseers, apprentice Sarah, daughter of Samuel Green to Ebenezer Hinsdale Williams until September 11, 1807. Dated Nov. 8, 1797 1797 Nov 8 Sarah Green, 1337

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1799 to 1857 1799-1857, Box 9

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The Black Man here [?] presented is by name Prince [?Amanuel], a pauper [?] subject of charge to the state[e] [?]. Thre is no bedding I think that the family can possibly spare. Yours Respectuflly, Amos Russell }verseers of the poor Deerfield, May 1 1828 May 1 Prince Manuel, 1333

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-- to -- Box 9

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Joseph Barnard, Joseph Stebbins, John Williams, overseers, apprentice Reuben Green, son of Samuel Green to Obed Hawks ofDeerfield until September 18, 1808. Dated Aug. 17, 1797. 1797 Aug 17 Reuben Green, 1336
Joseph Barnard, Joseph Stebbins, John Williams, overseers, apprentice Francis Green, son of Samuel Green, to Soloman Hawksof Shelburne until December 11, 1805. Dated Aug. 22, 1797. 1797 Aug 22 Francis Green, 1335
Francis Green....and at the expiration there of shall give until the said apprentice two suits of wearing apare for all parts of his body one suiable fo rhte Sabbath and the other for labouring Days and sixty six Dollars and sixty seven cents in money. 1797 Aug 22 , 2127
Indenture of Francis Green 1797 Aug 22 , 2128
Overseers Indenture of Sarah Green 1797 Oct 5 , 2126
Sarah Green.....and shall faithfully provide fro her sufficient meat and drink, cloathing and lodging..... 1797 Oct 5 , 2125
Joseph Barnard, Joseph Stebbins, John Williams, overseers, apprentice Sarah to Jonathan Arms until 9/11/1807. Dated October 5, 1797. 1797 Oct 5 Sarah Green, 1338
....a poor child who has become chargable to said town named Sarah Green daughter of Samuel Green now resident in said town --unto Jonathan Arms of said Deerfield Blacksmith..... 1797 Oct 6 , 2121
Indenture, Sarah Green 1797 Oct 6 , 2123
Sarah Green....and also teach her to read and write if she be able to learn..... 1797 Oct 6 , 2122
Sarah Green....and at the expiration thereof to give unto said apprentice two good suits of wearing apparel, for all parts of her body, one suitable for the Sabbath tne the other for labouring days 1797 Nov 8 , 2124
to paying the several persons hereafter named for the directions of hte Overseers of hte Poor.....for Charles Paine (a negro man) and his family...... 1801 Charles Sr. Paine, 2114
list continued of services to be paid for Charles Paine and family 1801 Charles Sr. Paine, 2115
We the Subscribers hereby certify that Charles Paine, before named, (a black man) came into this Commonwealth from Providence in Rhode Island in the year 1770....excepting when he was in the Continental Army..... 1802 May 20 Charles Sr. Paine, 2116
Overseers of the Poor-Deerfield 1802 Jun 2 , 2113
-- the one for the support of Charles Paine is rejected..... 1802 Jun 2 Charles Sr. Paine, 2112
Charles Paine, Deerfield, Rejected the deposition of the within named Charles Paine fully-proving that he gained a habitancy by being held as a servant in this commonwealth 1802 Charles Sr. Paine, 2117
The bearer John Freeman has applied to us for support assistance has a bad swelling in his knee and is unable to labour. Doctor Stephen W. Williams says he must be taken care of he probably has not any settlement in the Commonwealth we think it proper to 1822 Dec 21 John Freeman, 1331
John Freeman's certificate 1822 Dec 21 , 2118
Gentlemen Selectmen and overseers of the Poor of the Town of Deerfield. we Recd. your of the 18th in which you say John John Freeman an negro has become Chargeable and he is a Pauper of this Town and you charge the expense to this Town - we wholly deny th 1823 Feb 28 John Freeman, 1332
John Freeman, negro, 1823 1823 , 2119
.....a negro man residing in the said town of Deerfield by the name of Schuyler Salisbury unmarried person upwards of twenty one years of age who is able of body, but has no visible means of support...... 1826 Apr 21 Schuyler Salisbury, 1340
Schuyler Salisbury, Indenture, John Wilson 1826 Apr 21 , 2129
Prince Amanuel [Emanuel] Certificate 1828 May 1 Prince Manuel, 2130
Prince Emanuel, son-in-law of Charles Paine, listed among these supported by the town. Document dated June 5, 1828Overseers: Orlando Ware, Amos [?] Russell, Dennis Stebbins Illness cited as the reason for the need of support. Age: 41 1828 Jun 5 Prince Manuel, 1342
List of State Paupers in Dfld., 6/1829-1/1830...Prince Emmanuel 27.52 1829 Prince Manuel, 27.52 1341
Reuben Green, Indenture 1897 Aug 17 , 2120

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