Joseph Barnard Account Book

Deerfield, MA
Joseph Barnard (1717-1785) was a Deerfield, Massachusetts, farmer and merchant. Barnard kept this account book 1737-1785) where he recorded purchases and sales of goods and labor, including work performed by enslaved people. It is part of a collection of more than 600 account books currently in the library of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association kept by local merchants, professionals, farmers, craftspeople, and business firms from the 17th - 20th centuries.

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-- to -- Joseph Barnard Account Book 1737-1785

(PVMA#: 5302)

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Cr by Titus 16 Days - - - - 12 0 0 1748 Oct Titus, 2278
Then reckoned with abijah Prince and Ballo. all accts to this Day - - - 1763 Jun 6 Abijah Prince, 2297
to Clearing Land one Day at Great River myselfe & prince... 16s 1744 May 1 Prince, 16 1160
to myself & prince a day 16s 1744 May 2 Prince, 16 1161
to myself & prince a day 16s 1744 May 4 Prince, 16 1162
to myself & prince a day 16s 1744 May 5 Prince, 16 1163
to prince a Day 8s 1744 May 8 Prince, 8 1166
to Abner & prince a Day 16s 1744 May 11 Prince, 16 1165
by Titus to hoe corn one day and half 0-12-0 1745 Apr Titus, 12 1182
to prince Eleven Days at 8/ [?] 4 8 0 1745 May Prince, 2264
Prince breaking land at Great River 1745 Jun Prince, 1175
Father Barnard Dr to prince a Day to thrash oats 7/ - - 0 7 0 1745 Dec Prince, 2265
Father Barnard Dr to prince part of a Day to thrash Corn 0 4 0 1746 Jan Prince, 2266
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to prince 10 Days at grait River 4 10 0 1746 May Prince, 2272
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to prince three Days to Keep - - - 1 16 0 1746 Jul Prince, 2273
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to 5 1/4 yds tow Cloath for titus two shirts at 8/pr yd 42/ to making Said Shirts 9/ 2 11 0 1746 Aug Titus, 2274
Father Barnard Dr to to prince to thrash peas & oats 0 9 0 1746 Aug Prince, 2268
Father Barnard Dr to prince to make & cart hay 0 4 6 1746 Aug Prince, 2267
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to a pair mittens for Titus 4/ - - - - 0 4 0 1746 Oct Titus, 2276
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to money dd to Titus to bare his Charges 2 0 0 1746 Oct Titus, 2277
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Esqr Dr to a pair Stockings for Titus 24/ - - 1 4 0 1746 Oct Titus, 2275
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Contra by a pair shoes for prince 30/ 1 10 0 1746 Prince, 2271
Samel [Samuel] Barnard of Salem Esqr Dr to prince keeping three Days at 15/ [?] 2 5 0 1747 Jul Prince, 2279
Father Barnard Dr to Prince & my teeme to cart Dung to [?] 3 days 3 0 0 to filling Carts myself 6/ 0 10 0 1747 Nov Prince, 2269
Samel [Samuel] Barnard of Salem Esqr Dr to prince a Day to mend fence at Green River Meadow fence 12/ - - 0 12 0 eeping three Days at 15/ [?] 2 5 0 1748 Apr Prince, 2280
to prince a Day to mend fence at Green River Meadows 1748 Jul Prince, 1219
Samel [Samuel] Barnard of Salem Esqr Dr myself & prince a Day 30/1 - - - 1 10 0 1748 Oct Prince, 2281
Deerfield Dr to myself & prince a Day at the high way in th eStreet 40/ myselfe 2 Days 40/ 4 0 0 1750 Jul Prince, 2282
Deerfield Dr to myself & prince a Day at Sugrlof [Sugarloaf] Road 40/- 2 - - 1750 Jul Prince, 2283
Samel [Samuel] Barnard Dr to prince 5 Days my teem of three [Cat?]tle 3 Days - - - - 6 - - 1750 Nov Prince, 2270
Deerfield Dr to myself & prince& teem about two hours to mend the meting hom [?] hill 1751 Jan Prince, 2284
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 bushel Corn 7/6 - - - -76 1757 May Abijah Prince, 2287
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 bushel corn 7/6 - - - 0 7 6 1757 May Abijah Prince, 2285
Abijah Prince Dr to Book Sertz Guyde 10/ - - 0 10 - 1757 May Abijah Prince, 2286
Abijah Prince Contra by Pulling flax & Take up ---- 3 15 - 1757 Abijah Prince, 2300
Abijah Prince Cr by Fearage - not Paid 1758 Abijah Prince, 2301
Abijah Prince Dr to my Teeme to Cart 2 Load to ye River Cheepside - - 15 - 1759 Jun Abijah Prince, 2288
Abijah Prince Dr to Cash Paid you for fearage at one Time 11/3 - 11 3 1759 Jun Abijah Prince, 2289
Abijah Prince Cr going & Returning 2/6 - - - 0 2 6 1759 Abijah Prince, 2302
Abijah Prince Cr Do 2/6 Do 2/6 Do 2/6 Do 5/ ---- 0 12 6 1759 Abijah Prince, 2303
Abijah Prince Cr Do 1/3 Do 2/6 - - - 0 3 9 1759 Abijah Prince, 2304
Abijah Prince Cr pr ox Bows 7 - - - 0 7 0 1759 Abijah Prince, 2305
Abijah Prince Dr to a Doller - - - - - 2 5 - 1760 Mar Abijah Prince, 2290
Abijah Prince Dr to 1 1/2 Pork @ 4/ - - - 0 6 - 1760 Sep Abijah Prince, 2291
Abijah Prince Cr by Thrashing 4 Bushels Wheat - - 0 8 - 1760 Oct Abijah Prince, 2307
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to fence old fort 15/ - - - - 15 - 1760 Oct Abijah Prince, 2306
Abijah Prince Dr to a Bushel Wheat 45/ - - - 2 5 - 1760 Oct Abijah Prince, 2292
Abijah Prince Cr by faning 32 1/2 Bushels Barley ----- 1761 Abijah Prince, 2308
The acct Below is Put Down in Lawfull Monday to Paid S: Barnard Constable your Rates 1 1 1:2 1762 Jun Abijah Prince, 2293
Abijah Prince Cr by 3 Days Diging Drean @ 3/- 18 1762 Jul Abijah Prince, 2310
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to Pull Flax 3/ --- - 3 1762 Jul Abijah Prince, 2311
Abijah Prince Dr to 4lb 1/2 Pork @ /6 1/2 0-2-5-1 1762 Jul Abijah Prince, 382
Abijah Prince Dr to the gras at Plain Swamp 6/ - - - 6 - - 1762 Jul Abijah Prince, 2294
the acct Below is Put Down in [S:] money 1762 Jul Abijah Prince, 2309
Abijah Prince Cr by 2 Day to make Cyder /-- - - 5 9 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 2312
Abijah Prince Cr by faning 2 Days - - - - - - 4 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 2314
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to Cart Pine from G River - - 15 - - 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 2313
Abijah Prince Dr to a Barril Cyder 4/ - - - - 0 4 - - 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 2295
Abijah Prince Dr to June [6?] th cash 10/8 --- 0 1.0 8 1763 Jun Abijah Prince, 2296
Then Reckoned with Abijah Prince and there is Due to me 1/ - - 0 1 0 1763 Dec 6 Abijah Prince, 2315
Abijah Prince Dr to Cash 1/4 to a Pound Suger /8 -- 0 2 0 1764 Feb 4 Abijah Prince, 2298
Abijah Prince Cr by Reeping 3 Days @ 3/ - - - 0 9 - 1764 Jul 6 Abijah Prince, 2316
Abijah Prince Dr to 2 lb Suger at /8 ----- 0 1 4 1764 Jul Abijah Prince, 2299
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to make hay 2/ - - - 0 2 - - 1764 Aug 6 Abijah Prince, 2317
Abijah Prince Cr by 2 Days to hoa Corn @ 2/ - - 0 [4?] - 1765 Jul 6 Abijah Prince, 2318
Abijah Prince Cr by Days work / - - - - - - 1770 Aug 18 Abijah Prince, 2319
Abijah Prince Cr by 1 day at [Lyne?] & Part 2 days - - 5 - carried to new Book p58 1772 Apr 14 Abijah Prince, 2320

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