Joseph Barnard Day Book

Deerfield, MA
This day book belonged to Joseph Barnard (1717-1785) of Deerfield, Massachusetts. A prosperous farmer and merchant, Barnard recorded day-to-day payments and purchases 1737-1785 including labor performed by several free and enslaved African Americas, and paying £160 for an enslaved man called Prince in 1743. The day book is part of a collection of more than 600 account books currently in the library of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association kept by local merchants, professionals, farmers, craftspeople, and business firms from the 17th - 20th centuries.

Table of contents

1737 to 1785 5/1737 - 8/1785

(PVMA#: 5303)

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
[Friday] Sled for [?] Ashley 1740 Jan 3 Pompey, 1117
Sattrday he went for wood & Broak his slee [sleigh] 1740 Jan 4 Pompey, 1116
Monday he thrasht a Little & cut Wood at ye [?] 1740 Jan 6 Pompey, 1112
Wednesday to look after his frozin feet 1740 Jan 8 Pompey, 1113
Thursday he [threshed] 4 Shooks Ry[e] 1740 Jan 9 Pompey, 1114
Friday he [threshed] 4 Shooks Ry[e] 1740 Jan 10 Pompey, 1115
Thursday - [threshed] with [Samuel] 1740 Jan 16 Pompey, 1119
Monday - carry corn in to [thresh] 1740 Jan 20 Pompey, 1118
Teusday - he trod out ye corn with horses 1740 Jan 21 Pompey, 1111
Tusday he [froze] going to [Wapping] 1740 Mar 7 Pompey, 1131
Satterday he [threshed] 5 Shooks Ry & then Rec'd his [page torn] 1740 Mar 11 Pompey, 1129
Friday - he did Sumething at [?] he larnt [learned] a little. 1740 Mar 12 Pompey, 1130
Monday - he thrashed Ry 1740 Mar 13 Pompey, 1127
Wedisday Lector tend e cattle til I fan [?] 1740 Mar 15 Pompey, 1126
Friday - tend ye Catle 1740 Mar 17 Pompey, 1132
Thursday - he went to mill all day 1740 Mar 23 Pompey, 1125
Satterday - he [threshed] oats for Samuel [?] 1740 Mar 25 Pompey, 1128
An Accompt of Pompes Work For me: 1740 - he began to work & worked til the _____ Day of and then he went home. Wednesday he began to work again & worked til the [next?] weak Satterday noon Except 3 Days it Raind then he went to New Salem. 1740 Jun Pompey, 1123
Cash paid for Pomp. ferrige to Burnom [Burnham] 0-0-9 1740 Jun Pompey, 9 555
Pompey one & Rubstone for Pompe 1-1-3 1740 Jun Pompey, 1 1 3 779
Sythe, Rubston to Pompey 1-1-9 1740 Jun Pompey, 1 1 9 554
To Uncle Ebenz Hall for Boarding Pompe 1-16-0 1740 Jun Pompey, 1 16 1122
Pompe to bare his Charge to Salem 0-15-0 1740 Jul Pompey, 15 1121
Pomp Negro Dr To a Handerchief Col Barnard 00-15-00 1740 Jul Pompey, 15 522
he began to work again & Worked [?] 1740 Oct Pompey, 1139
Pompe came to Board With me, An Accompt of Pompes Work Since 4th Nov.b 1740 - from the 4th to 21 I was after Cattle. 1740 Nov 4 Pompey, 1134
Satterday - he got a load wood 1740 Nov 22 Pompey, 1135
Monday - Rain, he got a load wood 1740 Nov 23 Pompey, 1136
Nov. 24 - 27: Tuesday - Thursday, Rain 1740 Nov 27 Pompey, 1138
Nov. 28: Friday - mend fence about [the?] Lotte 1740 Nov 28 Pompey, 1137
More Rain Sat, & Mon. 1740 Nov 29 Pompey, 1133
Dec. 2: Tuesday - cut wood for [Samuel] 1740 Dec 2 Pompey, 1110
Dec. 3: W[ednesday] - Sled Dung 1/2 Day & then to Leiton [Leyden?] 1740 Dec 3 Pompey, 1 2 800
Dec. 4: Thu.d - Sled Dung 1740 Dec 4 Pompey, 1086
Dec. 5: Friday - Sled Dung 1740 Dec 5 Pompey, 1087
Satterday - he got a Load of Pine Woarth Eighteen Peni 1740 Dec 6 Pompey, 1102
Dec. 8: he got a load of Bin Poles 1740 Dec 8 Pompey, 1105
Teusd. Bin up Corn 1740 Dec 9 Pompey, 1096
Dec. 10: Wed'd - fence the Bin - it snowd 1740 Dec 10 Pompey, 1109
Thursday - Work for Mr. Ashley 1740 Dec 11 Pompey, 1091
Dec. 12: Friday - Work for Wd [widow] Hinsdel 1740 Dec 12 Pompey, 1106
Dec. 13: Satterday - Work for Cpt Wells upon Samll acompt 1740 Dec 13 Pompey, 1108
Feb. 15: An accompt of Pompes Work, I could git no work for him he thought he [threshed] Peas. 1740 Dec 15 Pompey, 1104
Wedniday it snowd he thrasht Peas 1740 Dec 17 Pompey, 1100
Thursday he thrasht peas. 1740 Dec 18 Pompey, 1103
Fryday he got a Load wood. 1740 Dec 19 Pompey, 1092
Satteday he got a Load wood. 1740 Dec 20 Pompey, 1093
Monday he got a Load wood. 1740 Dec 22 Pompey, 1094
Tuesday Same 1740 Dec 23 Pompey, 1088
Wednesday Same 1740 Dec 24 Pompey, 1089
Thursday Sled Wood for Asa Childs 1740 Dec 25 Pompey, 1090
Friday he got a Load wood 1740 Dec 26 Pompey, 1097
Satteday it snow, he got a load wood 1740 Dec 27 Pompey, 1098
Monday he got a Load Wood. 1740 Dec 29 Pompey, 1095
he got a Load Wood 1740 Dec 30 Pompey, 1099
Asa Childs Dr to Pompe & the teem a Day to Sled Wood 0-12-[ ] 1740 Dec Pompey, 12 524
Mr Ashley Dr to Pompe a Day 5/ to the teeme 0-8-9 3/4 of a Day 3/9/ 1740 Dec Pompey, 1101
The time Pompe & Rob worked for me when he went home 1740 Pompey, 1140
he boarded at Cpt. Wells one weak & then came to me & Stayed four days & then to Newsalem 1740 Pompey, 1143
he boarded at Mrs. Williams two weeks 1740 Pompey, 1141
he [Pompey] boarded at Ensign Wells one month 1740 Pompey, 1142
he boarded at John Hinsdel's one weak & 3 Days 1740 Pompey, 1144
Wednesday - he thrasht 1741 Jan 1 Pompey, 1145
Teusday he thrasht till noon he [Can't/Cart] Indeway [?] 1741 Jan 14 Pompey, 1147
Wednesday - he Cavecd[?] up the Corn & went to Mill 1741 Jan 21 Pompey, 1146
Pd Doct Wells for Prince four days to Clear land on Cors's Island 1-10-0 1741 May 28 Prince, 1 10 1148
Pd Wid Wells for Cesar three days on Cors's Island 1-4-0 1741 May Caesar, 1 4 404
John Allen Dr to princes Diging a Grave 0-4-0 1743 Jan Prince, 1656
Cpt. Williams Dr to prince a day to Cut Wood for John Hinsdel 0-7-0 1743 Apr Prince, 7 1150
then bought of Doct. Wells his Negro fellow at £160 1743 May Prince, 160 1154
Samll Bardwell Dr to prince one Day to Reep 0-10-0 1743 Jul 30 Prince, 1655
Samll Bardwell Dr to prince one Day to keep 0-10-0 1743 Jul Prince, 10 1152
Joseph Smead Dr to two Days Reeping (Viz) myself and prince 20/ 1-0-0 1743 Jul Prince, 1 1153
Mr Ashley Dr to prince to fan flax Seed 1/2 a day three Bushels and a peck } 0-4-0 1743 Aug Prince, 4 1151
Mr Williams Dr to prince a day to thrash & fan wheat 0-6-0 1744 Jan Prince, 6 1156
John Allen Dr to prince's Diging a Grave } 0-4-0 1744 Jan Prince, 4 1157
Mrs. Sarah Wells Dr to princes Diging a Grave 0-6-0 1744 Mar Prince, 6 1158
Cpt Williams Dr to prince a Day to Spred Dung & pile Wood 0-7-0 1744 Apr Prince, 1650
Cpt Williams Dr to prince a Day to Spred Dung 0-7-0 1744 Apr Prince, 1649
Cpt Williams Dr to prince a Day to Spred Dung 0 - 7 - 0 1744 Apr Prince, 1651
to myself & prince a Day 1744 May 10 Prince, 1168
Deerfield Dr to Myself & prince a Day to Scoare timber for the mounts 0-16-0 1744 May Prince, 16 1159
pd Samll Childs June for Cuting princes Coat & Breeches and Other things 7/1 0-7-1 1744 May Prince, 1657
The Syths disposed of as followeth, Pompey one, Aadom one, Pompey one 1744 Jul Adam, 402
The Syths disposed of as followeth, Pompey one, Aadom one, Pompey one 1744 Jul Pompey, 1155
James Cors Dr to Omitted a Days Reeping of prince 10/ } 0-10-0 1744 Aug Prince, 1652
Prince worked at Great River 1744 Oct Prince, 1169
Capt. Williams Dr to prince for faning Eleven Bushels and 1/2 peas and oats at 6/per Bushel 0-5-9 1745 Feb Prince, 5 9 556
Mr French Dr to prince a Day to Cut Rake & burn Stalks 8/ 1745 Apr Prince, 8 1170
Capt Elijah Williams Dr to prince to fan oats 0-2-0 to 1/2 bushell and three lbs flax seed 0-9-0 1745 May Prince, 2 1177
Jonth Wells Dr to a Syeth dd to Ceasar 1-8-0 1745 May Caesar, 1 8 403
Mr Thos French Dr to prince a Day from Sun Rise to Sun Sett 6/ to my hors to fetch your Cow} 0-12-0 1745 May Prince, 1179
to prince a Day to Clear ye trash of ye wheat and Right up ye fence at Grait River 8/ } 0-8-0 1745 May Prince, 8 1176
then recknd With Wid Sarah Wells and balls [balanced] all out Including prince's Beds Bedsted and Cord and a blankit - and there is due to her 60/ } 3-0-0 1745 Jun 25 Prince, 3 1173
Wd Sarah Wells Cr by old blankit on princes Bed 20/ } 1-0-0 1745 Jun Prince, 20 1172
Joseph Bardwell & Prince a fence for Samuel Barnard 1745 Jun Prince, 1174
Mr French Dr to prince & my oxen a Day to Cart Dung 0-11-0 1745 Oct Prince, 11 1181
Capt. Williams Dr to prince a Day to make a Bridge over Tim's Rills Brook 8/ 0-8-0 1745 Nov 10 Prince, 8 1180
Mr. French Dr to prince Diging a grave for a Soldier Collie 6/ to ditto for N. Chamberlin 6/ omitted } 0/12/0 1745 Dec Prince, 12 1171
Father Barnard Dr to prince part of a day to Thrash Corn 4/ to faning sixteen Bushels Corn at 2/pr } 0-6-8 to faning Seven Bushels & a peck Ry at 6/pr 0-3-7 1746 Jan Prince, 6 8 609
Jno Taylor Sr to Money to pay to Sharp 3/ 0-3-0 1746 Feb Calab Sharp, 372
Capt Barnard Dr to thrashing wheat four Days by prince at 7/p 28/ to faning 24 1/2 bb wheat at 6d/pr 12 }2-0-0 1746 Feb Prince, 1646
Richard Woolworth Dr to prince diging a grave 5/ 1746 Feb Prince, 5 1107
Capt. Williams Dr to princes faning 9 1/4 lb wheat at 6d/ 0-4-9 1746 Feb Prince, 1188
Aaron Denio Dr to prince Diging a grave 0-5-0 1746 Feb Prince, 5 1186
Capt. Williams Dr to princes faning 16 Bush wheat a 6d/pr 0-8-0 1746 Feb Prince, 1187
Capt Williams Dr to prince faning 9 1/2 bb wheat at 6d/p 0-4-9 1746 Feb Prince, 1645
by titus to mow 4 Days for Mr. Hawks 2-8-0 1746 Mar Titus, 2 8 1207
Nathan Frarey Dr to princes faning 44_ bb Indian Corn and Carring it into your house to Chesing [chaffing] 3 or 4 bb Wheat 0-10-0 1746 Mar Prince, 10 1190
Capt. Williams Dr to princes Skining your mare and Drawing her to ye river 4/6 0-4-6 1746 Mar Prince, 4 6 663
Capt Barnard Dr to prince thrashing Wheat three Days } 1-1-0 to faning 13 bb wheat at 6/p 6/6 } 0-6-6 1746 Mar Prince, 1 1 1192
Father Barnard Dr . . . to prince thrashing Barley one Day and halfe at 7/p 10/6 } 0-10-6 1746 Mar Prince, 10 6 662
Capt. Williams Dr to prince faning 10 1/4 bb Barley at 6d/p 0-5-2 1746 Mar Prince, 5 1191
Capt. Barnard Dr to Bording Titus from the 17th Aprl to 8th Day May three Weaks at 15/pr 45/ } 2-5-0 1746 May Titus, 2 5 1208
Capt. Barnard Dr to prince 10 Days at Grait River to Saml Taylor 2 Days at grait River to my Selfe 4 Days 1746 May Prince, 1193
Capt. Barnard Dr to 2 1/2 yds Cloath bought of John Barnard for Titus his trowsers at 9 /pr 22/6 ; to making sd trowsers 2/6 1746 Jun Titus, 1 3 1206
Capt. Barnard Dr to reeping myself four Days 2-8-0 to prince three Days to reep at 12/pr 36/ 1-16-0 1746 Jul Prince, 4 4 1189
Capt Barnard Dr to 5 1/4 yds tow cloath for Titus two shirts at 8/pr yd 42/ to making two Shirts} 2-11-0 1746 Aug 28 Titus, 4 13 1203
Father Barnard Dr to prince 1/2 a day to make & cut hay at Tims hill 4/6 to prince a day to thrash peas & oats 9/ } 0-13-6 1746 Aug Prince, 17 6 661
Saml Cunnabele Dr to princes mowing 1_ acre at South End pine hill 0-12-0 1746 Aug Prince, 12 1183
Father Barnard Dr to princes faning 6 1/4 bb. Peas & oats at 6/pr 3/1 } 0-3-1 1746 Sep Prince, 3 1 816
Capt Barnard Dr to a pair yarn Stockins for titus 1-4-0 to pair mittens for titus 4/ 0-4-0 to 40/ dd to titus to bare his Charges on the Rode 2-0-0 1746 Oct 26 Titus, 1648
N. Frarey Dr to prince to thrashinig 2 / [?] bb wheat & faning to prince a Day to thrash wheat 0-18-0 1746 Oct Prince, 6 1200
prince Dd to money 40 } 2-0-0 to money Dd titus 5 omitted } 0-5-0 1746 Nov Prince, 1197
R Sheldon & prince & my teeme a Day to Cart a load of slabs from mill & pay B Mun for them to Covering Sd. Hovel 1746 Nov Prince, 1196
Mr. French Dr to prince & my oxen & mare a Day to git out Dung 16/ } 0-16-0 1746 Nov Prince, 16 1194
Jno Taylor Cr by a pair of Shoes for Sarah 12/ }0-12-0 by a pair of Shoes for prince 28/ } 1-8-0 1746 Nov Prince, 1 8 1195
Jno Taylor Cr by a pr Shoes for Sarah 12/ 0-12-0 by a pair Shoes for prince 28/ 1-8-0 1746 Nov Prince, 1647
prince Dd to money 40 } 2-0-0 to money Dd titus 5 omitted } 0-5-0 1746 Nov Titus, 1653
Father Barnard Dr to prince a day to thrash oats 0-7-0 1746 Nov Prince, 7 1199
Bult this month... prince and the teeme two Days to git posts & planks 1-12-0 1746 Nov Prince, 1 12 1198
Abner Barnard Dr to prince to fetch Cole from Nathan Frarey's 8/ } 0-8-0 1746 Dec Prince, 1185
Samll Hinsdell Dr to prince 1/2 a day to fan pese & oats 4/ 0-4-0 1746 Dec Prince, 1644
to prince 10 Days at great River 4£ 1746 Prince, 4 1201
to prince three days to [reap] 1£ 0 1746 Prince, 1 1202
Remem Sheldon myself & prince two Days to hew frame & Raise 2-8-9 1746 Prince, 2 8 9 557
prince Dr to money 70/ 3-10-0 1747 Feb Prince, 3 10 1211
to money paid Mr. Hawks for [boarding] Titus 18 weeks and two days 1747 Apr Titus, 1217
Capt Barnard Dr to prince to Reep three Days at the River 45/ 2-5-0 1747 Jul Prince, 2 5 1213
to prince to keep three Days at the River 45/ } 2-5-0 1747 Jul Prince, 45 1212
Father Barnard Dr to prince & the teeme to Cart Dung to Second Devision three Days 60/ ... 3-0-0 1747 Nov Prince, 3 1216
prince Dr to Cash 30/6 1-10-6 1747 Nov Prince, 1 10 6 664
Prince dungs field 1747 Nov Prince, 1214
Capt Williams Dr to prince a Day to fan Peas ... 0-12-0 1748 Apr Prince, 1225
Capt Barnard Dr to prince a Day to mend fence at Green River Meadow fence 12/ 0-12-0 1748 Apr Prince, 1218
Capt Williams Dr to prince a Day to fan Peas from oats omitted 12/ 0-12-0 1748 Apr Prince, 1654
Capt Barnard Cr by Titus 16 Days at 15/pr 12-0-0 1748 Oct Titus, 12 1226
Titus spent his time this month in the following manner; 16 Days for me, 1_ for Mr Ashley, 2 for his master, 1 1/2 in Nfild, 1 for Capt Williams, 1 for David Childs, Saterday Set of for Salem &c in all, 24 Days 1748 Oct Titus, 6 1228
Capt Barnard Dr to myself & prince a Day at the River to fence 30/ 1-10-0 Boarding 4 Weaks at 30/ 6-0-0 1748 Oct Prince, 1 20 1221
Colo Williams Dr to prince a Day to fan peas & oats & Sepparate peas from oats 15/ 0-15-0 1748 Nov Prince, 15 1220
Myself two Days 30/ 1£ 10-0 1748 Prince, 1 10 1223
Colo Williams Dr to prince to fan peas & oats 0-15-0 1748 Prince, 15 1222
Col Wm Williams do [ditto] to Carting 15 Bushels Wheat to Hatfield 1748 Prince, 1224
Colo Wm Williams to prince a Day to hoe beens 20/ to go[?] 1/2 a Day to Ride hors 2/6 1749 Jun Prince, 1230
Paid Peter Negro for Cradling one acre oats -12-0 1749 Jul Peter, 1229
to myself & prince a Day at the high way in the Street 4£ 0-0 1750 Jul Prince, 4 1231
to myself & prince & teem ... to mend the Meeting [?] 2£ 1751 Jan Prince, 2 1232
Prince Dr to paid Nth. Brooks for meal you took of his at mill 15/ 0-15 1751 Jul Prince, 1235
to paid Col. Williams for yr Buckles 1751 Jul Prince, 1234
to a Trap you had of Col. Hindell 3-10-[?] 1751 Jul Prince, 3 10 1233
a coffin for Prince 2-[?]- 1752 Jun Prince, 2 1236
Sharp Caleb Dr to a Barril Cyder 20/ --1-0-0 1756 Aug 25 Calab Sharp, 405
Mr Ashley Cr by Titus a Day to Cut Stalk a Day 1756 Sep Titus, 1238
Abijah Prince [debtor] to my teeme to Cart two loads to ye River at Cheapside 1756 Abijah Prince, 1237
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 bushel Corn 7/6 0-7-6 to a book Serts Gyde 10/ 0-10-0 1757 Apr Abijah Prince, 374
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 bushel Corn 7/6 0-7-6 1757 May 17 Abijah Prince, 386
Abijah Prince [debtor] to _ Bushel of Corn 0-7-0 1757 May Abijah Prince, 7 1239
Abijah prince [debtor] to _ Bushel Corn 0-7-6 & a book 0-10-0 1757 May Abijah Prince, 17 6 665
Jerm Nims [debtor] to Abijah Prince a Day 20/ 1757 Sep Abijah Prince, 20 1240
Abijah Prince [credit] by a Days work for Jerm Nims 1-0-1 1757 Sep Abijah Prince, 1 1 817
Abijah Prince Cr by a Days woork for Jerm Nims 20/ 1-0-0 1757 Sep Abijah Prince, 390
Sharp Caleb Dr to a Broad Ax 90/ 4-10-0 1757 Oct Calab Sharp, 373
Abijah Prince [credit] Lay faning 32_ Bushels Barley 1758 Feb Abijah Prince, 1241
Abijah Prince Cr by faning 32 1/2 Bushels Barley @ 1758 Feb Abijah Prince, 381
Mr Ashley Cr by Cato to Thrashin 2 Bushels Wheat 1761 Nov Cato Cole, 406
Abijah Prince [ ? ] Paid Br[other] S[alah] Barnard Constl [Constable] yr Rate [Taxes?] 1762 Jun Abijah Prince, 1243
Abijah Prince [debtor] to 4 1/2 lbs. Poark... 0-2-5-1 1762 Jun Abijah Prince, 2 5 1 701
Abijah Prince Cr by 3 Days Diging Drean [Plain Swamp] /By a Day to Pull flax / 1762 Jul 22 Abijah Prince, 1248
Abijah Prince Cr By a Day to Make Cyder / 1762 Aug 19 Abijah Prince, 377
Abijah Prince Dr to a Barril Cyder 4 0-4-0-0 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 376
Abijah Prince Dr to ye Grass in Plain Swamp/ -- 1762 Aug Abijah Prince, 1242
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to Pick Apples & make Cyder / 1762 Sep 22 Abijah Prince, 392
Abijah Prince Dr to 2 lb 3 Poark 0-1-2-2 1762 Sep 22 Abijah Prince, 391
Abijah Prince [credit] by a Day to Pick Apples & Make Cyder 1762 Sep Abijah Prince, 1247
Abijah Prince [debtor] to a Barril Cyder 1762 Sep Abijah Prince, 1245
Abijah Prince [credit] by a Day to make Cyder 1762 Sep Abijah Prince, 1246
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to go after Pine Bardwells ferey 1762 Nov Abijah Prince, 387
Abijah Prince Dr to the Grass Plain Swamp 2 Day Reeping 1763 Aug Abijah Prince, 378
Abijah Prince Cr by Reaping a Day & Part of two Days 1763 Aug Abijah Prince, 379
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to M [page ripped] 1763 Abijah Prince, 396
Abijah Prince Dr to 3/4 Bushel Wheat @ 4/ 0-3-0-0 to ye Grass in Plain Swamp 6/ 0-6-0-0 to ye Grass behind Pine Hill 6/ 0-6-0-0 1763 Abijah Prince, 395
Abijah Prince [credit] by a Day to Make... [page missing] 1764 Aug Abijah Prince, 1251
Abijah Prince [debtor] to _ Bushels Wheat, to ye Grass in Plain Swamp, to ye Grass behing Pine Hill 1764 Aug Abijah Prince, 1250
Abijah Prince Dr to a Barrel Cyder 6/ The Barril must be Returnd 1764 Nov 28 Abijah Prince, 388
Abijah Prince [debtor] to a Barrel of Cyder... 1764 Dec Abijah Prince, 1249
Abijah Prince Dr to Cash 8/ 0-8-0-0 1764 Dec Abijah Prince, 380
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to hoa Corn 2/ by a Day to hoa Corn 2/ 1765 Jul 16 Abijah Prince, 1252
Abijah Prince [debtor] to a Bushel Rye 0-3-4-0 to 1/2 bushel corn 0-1-6-0 1765 Jul Abijah Prince, 4 10 541
Abijah Prince Dr to a Bushel and half Rye 1770 Aug 18 Abijah Prince, 1922
Abijah Prince Cr by Days works 1770 Aug 18 Abijah Prince, 370
Abijah Prince Dr to a Pound hogsfat & a Qt Salt 0-0-9- 1770 Aug 27 Abijah Prince, 399
Abijah Prince Dr to 14 Bushel Rye 0-4-6-0 to Boy & hors to go to mill /8 0-0-8-0 1770 Aug 30 Abijah Prince, 400
Abijah Prince Dr to 1 1/2 Bushels Rye 0-4-6-0 1770 Sep 22 Abijah Prince, 398
to Abijah Prince a Day 1£ 1770 Sep Abijah Prince, 1253
Abijah Prince Cr by a Day to Sift Lyme & make morter 1772 Apr 10 Abijah Prince, 354
Abijah Prince Dr to a Pound Sugar /8 1772 Apr 10 Abijah Prince, 355
Abijah Prince Cr by working morter a Spell he Began half after two oClock & workd till Sunset } 1772 Apr 14 Abijah Prince, 359
Abijah Dr to 1/2 Bushel Indian Meal 1/6 0-1-6-0 1772 Apr 14 Abijah Prince, 358
Abijah Prince Cr by Reeping Part of 2 Days 0-3-0 1772 Jul 31 Abijah Prince, 366
Abijah Prince Dr 4 Qts Indian Meal / 0-0-5 1772 Jul 31 Abijah Prince, 367
Abijah Prince Dr to a Bushel Corn 3/ 0-3-0 1772 Aug 10 Abijah Prince, 363
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 Bushel Peas 3/ 0-3-0 1773 Mar 6 Abijah Prince, 368
Abijah Prince Cr by faning Barley Part of a day / 1775 Feb 16 Abijah Prince, 364
Abijah Prince Cr by hechiling 28 lb flax @ a Copper pr 1775 Feb 25 Abijah Prince, 365
Abijah Prince Dr to a Bushel Corn 2/8 0-2-8-0 1775 Apr 4 Abijah Prince, 360
Abijah Prince Dr to 1/2 Bushel Corn 1/4 0-1-4-0 1775 Apr 13 Abijah Prince, 2212
Abijah Prince dr to 1/2 bushel corn 0-1-4-0 1775 Apr 26 Abijah Prince, 2213
Abijah Prince Dr to a Qty Rum 2/ 0-2-0 1775 Aug 3 Abijah Prince, 362
Abijah Prince Cr by Hecheling flax [?] 1775 Aug 3 Abijah Prince, 361
Abijah Prince Cr by Days work 1778 Oct 20 Abijah Prince, 397
Abijah Prince Dr to Cash 30/ to 2 Bushels Rye / 1778 Oct 20 Abijah Prince, 371
Peter Negro Dr to 11 Bushels oats at 1/6 0-16-6-0 to 3 copers /2 which is in full for 16/8 I Borrowd of him last fall to fay for tinn 1784 Mar 6 Peter, 1641
Freeman Dr to short pay for a Syeth /4 0-0-4-0 -- , 2211
Abijah Prince Cr by working morter a Spell he Began half after two oClock & workd till Sunset } -- Abijah Prince, 2210
Abijah Prince [debtor] to Cash 0-8-0-0 -- Abijah Prince, 8 1254
Abijah Prince Dr to My Teeme to Cart two Load to ye River at Cheep Side 0-15 -- Abijah Prince, 401
Paid Peter 4 dollars yt I Borrowd of him ye other day 1784 Apr 30 Peter, 1662

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No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id
Jerm Nims Dr to abijah Prince a Day 20/ 1-0-0 1757 Sep Abijah Prince Abijah Prince, Free None
Abij Prince Dr to a Bushel Rye 0-3-4-0 to 1/2 Bushel Corn 0-1-6-0 1765 Jul 23 Abijah Prince Abijah Prince, Free None
Abijah Prince Dr to a Loaf Bread /8 0-0-8 1770 Sep 18 Abijah Prince Abijah Prince, Free None
Abijah Prince Dr to a Bushel Corn 3/ 1772 May 7 Abijah Prince Abijah Prince, Free None