Chloe Spencer Freeman

first name
last name
Spencer Freeman
birth, death year
-- , --
first, last year in records
1794, 1794
confidence level
confirmed identity
freed status (year freed)
enslaved, then free (1783)
Silliman, Abigail;
Deerfield, MA  
place of origin


It is likely that Ebenezer Silliman of Fairfield, Connecticut, enslaved Chloe for his wife, Abigail Williams Silliman (1708-1787). He died in 1775, and after Tories burned their home in 1779, Abigail and Chloe returned to Deerfield, Massachusetts, the place of Abigail's birth. In her 1783 will, Abigail stipulated that her "Negro Woman Clo Shall be intitled to her Freedom." Chloe also received "a bible, a cow, a feather bed, a brass kettle, a pot, 2 trammels, chests, hand irons [andirons], chairs, and pewter things" (History of Deerfield, Vol. II, George Sheldon, pg. 205 in genealogy section).

A 1787 entry in Dr. Elihu Ashley's account book mentions a visit to "Cloes Boy" made under the account for the widow Abigail Silliman. It is possible that mother and son remained in the Silliman household until Chloe married Noble Spencer in Deerfield on Oct. 23, 1794. She married again in 1811, but this child is most likely a product of Chloe's first marriage or perhaps someone else.

Entries in Dr. William Williams' day book for 1793 show that "Chloe Negro" paid for something with cash and was given "Ungm Lythargm", probably an ointment for warts. There were at least two African American women by the name of Chloe in Deerfield. These entries might refer to Chloe Spencer Freeman, or to a Chloe enslaved by John Sheldon (1710-1793).

Primary Source Entries for Chloe Spencer Freeman

Entry Source Vol Name Date entry id
"Noble Spencer & Cloe Syllaman" First Congregational Church of Deerfield, Massachusetts Single 1794 Oct 23 325
Noble, Spencer and Cloe Syllaman [Silliman?], Oct. 23, 1794. [Chloe manumitted by AWHHS's will 1783.] Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Marriages 1794 Oct 23 1467
Syllaman, Cloe and Noble Spencer, Oct. 23, 1794 Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Marriages 1794 Oct 23 1468
  Chloe [Silliman] m. Noble Spencer 1794. Shelburne Vital Records to 1850 Marriages 1794 1555

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