Melita was born in either Deerfield or Whately, Massachusetts, to Charles and Rachel Paine. She married Amos Newport shortly after Dec. 6, 1806, in South Deerfield. By 1846, she had left him and bought a house and orchard on Northampton Rd. in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was the first African American to own land or a home in Amherst and her home stayed in the Newport family for 160 years. Melita filed for divorce in 1856, and was described as a widow in the 1860 census, although Amos was still alive. She conveyed her property to her son, Joseph Wells Newport, in 1861 and sold him the remainder of the property and the house in 1865. She married Spencer Brown of Amherst on Sept. 23, 1866. Melita is buried in the West Cemetery in Amherst.