Sarah Jane Manuel

first name
Sarah Jane
last name
birth, death year
1816 , 1864
first, last year in records
1816, 1842
confidence level
confirmed identity
freed status (year freed)
always free (1816)
Hatfield, MA  
place of origin
Deerfield, MA


married (1st husband) Windsor Newbury of Hatfield, MA, May 19, 1836, (2nd husband) Charles Wilson, (3rd husband) Solomon Austin Palmer; died of smallpox in a temporary pest house in Hadley, MA more alternate surname spellings: Immanuel, Emmanuel

Primary Source Entries for Sarah Jane Manuel

Entry Source Vol Name Date entry id
Manuel, Sarah Jane, d. Prince and Mahala, June 17, 1816. Negro Deerfield Vital Records to 1850 Births 1816 Jun 17 1485
105. WINDSOR2 NEWBURY was born 22 February 1815 at Hatfield. He lived at Amherst in 1836 and was a laborer there in 1842.He married on 19 May 1836 in Amherst, SARAH JANE MANUAL, who was born about 1818 in Deerfield, the daughter of Princeand Mahala (Pai Smith, James Avery. History of the Black Population of Amherst 1728-1870 1728-1870 1836 1584
189. CHARLES1 WILSON was a laborer at Amherst in 1845 and 1846. He married SARAH JANE MANUAL [105] between 1842 and 1848.She was born 17 June 1816 at Deerfield, the daughter of Prince and Mahala (Paine) Immanual, the sister of Charles W. Manual [97] and Smith, James Avery. History of the Black Population of Amherst 1728-1870 1728-1870 1842 1586

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