Deerfield, MA, Town Records

Deerfield, MA
This folder in the Deerfield [Massachusetts] Town records (5-VIII, Box 11, Folder A-1) in the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library contains bills of sale for enslaved people and court records of cases involving enslaved people 1731-1771.

Table of contents

-- to -- Deerfield, MA, Town Records 5-VIII, Box 11, Folder A-1

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
...sell & Dispose of my Negro man Peter, (aged about Twenty Two years,) to him Said Thomas Wells... 1731 Nov 4 Peter, 2390
Mr Cooks Bill of Sale to Capt Wells [?] 1731 of his "Negro Man Peter" 1731 Nov 4 Peter, 2391
...a Certain Negro Girl Named Phillis of about nine years of age To have & to hold the sd Negro Girl to him the said Timothy Childs.... 1741 Feb 15 Phillis, 2396
Bill of Sale of Prince Negro 1750 Sep 25 Prince, 2389
..... assign Sell & Convey to him a Certain Negro Boy Named Prince aged about nine years, a Servant for life..... 1750 Sep 25 Prince, 2388
...the sum of forty Pounds Lawful money to one in hand paid by Israel Williams of Hatfield in the county of Hampshire to hereby sell [?] over [?] to him a certain Negro Girl Named Blossom aged about sixteen years.... 1753 May 20 Blossom, 2386
Bill of Sale of Blossom 1753 May 20 Blossom, 2387
bill of A Negro boy 1755 J. Romanoo, 2383 Certain Negro Man Named Hartford of the age of about Twenty three years.... 1758 May 25 Hartford, 2392
...Namd caesar and Have him before this Honorable Const for Trial..... 1771 Caesar Bailey, 2385
To Thomas Williams Esqr one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the county of Hampshire Complains John Williams of Deerfield in Sd County Gentleman against Caesar a Labourer & Servant of Nathaniel Dickinson of Deerfield.... 1771 Caesar Bailey, 2384
....Negroe Boy Named J Romanoo age about sixteen years to be the sole Property of the Sd Ephraim..... 1775 J. Romanoo, 2382

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No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id