David Hoyt Account Book: May 1768-1803

Deerfield, MA
This is one of two account books kept by David Hoyt (1722-1814) of Deerfield, Massachusetts. An innkeeper, wigmaker, and farmer, Hoyt's account book records the sale and purchase of beverages, foodstuffs, and miscellaneous items as well as charges for boarders from 1768-1803. Both of David Hoyt’s account books are part of a collection of more than 600 account books currently in the library of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association kept by local merchants, professionals, farmers, craftspeople, and business firms from the 17th - 20th centuries.

Table of contents

1768 to 1803

(PVMA#: 5342)

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Prince Peters 1768 Prince Peters, 1676
Remembrance Grandy 1768 Remembrance Grandy, 1677
Cill Prince 1768 Drucilla Prince, 1675
Cill Prince Dr to sundries? 1782 Sep Drucilla Prince, 1678
Frances Freeman Stole from me at Sundrees Times 3 gallons of Brandy for which I charge him ten Dollars Setled the above accompt with France Negro 1793 Aug 12 Frances Freeman, 2177
12 Day of August Frances Freeman Negro come to live with me for 2 month at seven Dollar pr month 1793 Aug 12 Frances Freeman, 2176
Frances Freeman Dr to Gill Rum with John .....6 1793 Aug 28 Frances Freeman, 2168
Frances Freeman Dr to Bitters Do to Soam Bitters/ 3 6 1793 Aug 28 Frances Freeman, 2169
Frances Freeman Dr to Soam Brandy 4 1793 Aug 28 Frances Freeman, 2170
Frances Freeman Dr to thread to make Jacket ...2 1793 Aug 28 Frances Freeman, 2166
Frances Freeman Dr to Sundries Eben Barnard 1 9 1793 Aug 28 Frances Freeman, 2167
Frances Freeman Dr to mug to go to Cyder...12 1793 Sep Frances Freeman, 2171
Frances Freeman Brought from Day Book 6 9 2 1793 Sep Frances Freeman, 2172
Frances Freeman Dr to a glass brandy - 8 1793 Oct Frances Freeman, 2173
Frances Freeman Dr to 3 Glass bitters 9 1793 Oct Frances Freeman, 2174
Frances Freeman Dr to som Brandy & Bitters 7 1793 Oct Frances Freeman, 2175

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No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id