Source Unknown

Deerfield, MA
Placeholder -- until source is resolved.

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Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id
  Sam Dickinson [debtor] to visit [?] 3/ Peter 1754 Dec 9 Peter Peter, Dickinson, Samuel None
  Jonathon Ashley pays part of his debt to Dr. Wms by Titus mowing Hoyt's plain 1758 Sep 20 Titus Titus, Ashley, Jonathan None
  Titus and Cato half day cutting wood 1759 Apr 7 Titus Cato Cole, Titus, Ashley, Jonathan None
  Titus and Cato half day cutting wood 1759 Apr 7 Cato Cole, Titus, Ashley, Jonathan None
  bringing a load of pine from Cheapside 1759 Nov 28 , Ashley, Jonathan None