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Receipt dated Deerfield, May [year not given], for bounty paid said Pompe by Capt. Oliver Shattuck, a member of a class of thetown of Deerfield, to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 3 years.
Cato Pompey,
Wrentham. List of men raised for Continental service, as returned by Maj. Metcalf, of Col. Wheelock's regt.; residence, Wrentham; engaged for town of Wrentham; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, J
Charles Paine, Sr.,
Private, in a detachment from Capt. Caleb Montague's co., Col. Williams's regt.; enlisted July 11, 1777; discharged Aug. 12, 1777; service, 1 mo. 8 days, on expedition to Northern department, including 6 days (120 miles) travel home; also, Capt. Moses M
Wrentham. Return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Asa Fairbank's co., known as the South co. in the WestParish of Wrentham, Col. Benjamin Hawes's (4th Suffolk Co.) regt., dated Feb. 16, 1778; residence, Wrentham; engaged for town
Charles Paine, Sr.,
Franklin. Pay roll for 6 months men belonging to the town of Franklin raised for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched July 8, 1780; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; service, 5 mos. 15 days, including travel (200 miles) home.
Charles Paine, Sr.,
Wrentham. Private, Capt. Nathan Goodale's co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (4th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to May 1, 1780; term, 3 years.
Charles Paine, Sr.,
Franklin. List of men raised for the 6 months service and returned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return datedCamp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780.
Charles Paine, Sr.,
Descriptive list of men raised in Hampshire Co. to serve in the Constitutional Army, as returned by Noah Goodman, Superintendent;age, 16 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 2 in.; complexion, black; hair, black; occupation, farmer; engaged for town of Deerfield; engage
Cato Pompey,