Ashfield Vital Records to 1850

Deerfield, MA

Table of contents

-- to 1850 Births

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Wells, Sukey, ch. [of] Peter and w. Apr. 23, 1781 1781 Apr 23 , 1419
Wells, Nancy, ch. [of] Peter and w., Mar. 29, 1783. 1783 Mar 29 , 1420
Wells, Jupeter, ch. [of] Jupeter and w. Sept 12, 1800 1800 Sep 12 , 1421
Wells, Sukey, ch. [of] Peter and w. Aug. 11, 1803. 1803 Aug 11 , 1422
Wells, Joseph, ch. [of] Jupeter and w. May 28, 1805 1805 May 28 Joseph Wells, 1423

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-- to 1850 Deaths

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Honestman, Heber, negro, Mar. 6, 1768 1768 Mar 6 Heber Honestman, 1418
Abel, John, negro, Mar. 3, 1773, a. 50. 1773 Mar 3 John Abel, Sr., 1665
Wells, ch. [of] Jube, "man of color," ___, 1819, a CRI 1819 , 838
Wells, Sally, w. Jube, "color," dropsy in brest, Feb. __, 1821, a 38. CRI (Feb 18, 1821, a. 37, G.R. 4. 1821 Feb , 841
Wells, Susy, old age, Sept 26, 1828, a "Supposed" 85, CRI 1828 Sep 26 Sue Wells, 839
Wells, Peter, "colored man, brought from Africa," July __, 1829, a. 95. G.R.Z. 1829 Jul Peter Wells, 1026
Wells, Peter, "native of Africa," old age, Jan. 17, 1832, a. 100. CRI 1832 Jan 17 Peter Wells, 840
Wells, Joseph, m. farmer, s. Jupeter ("colored"), consumption, Aug. 3, 1845, a. 38 1845 Aug 3 Joseph Wells, 1426

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-- to 1850 Marriages

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Wells, Joseph and [int. Mrs.] Azubeth Newport, both of A[shfield?] -- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1830, and Apr. 30, 1831; int. July 3, 1830] 1830 Jul 3 Azubah Newport Wells Burghardt, 1424
Wells, Joseph and [int. Mrs.] Azubeth Newport, both of A[shfield?] -- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1830, and Apr. 30, 1831; int. July 3, 1830] 1830 Joseph Wells, 1425

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No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id