David Hoyt Day Book

Deerfield, MA
This day book kept from 1752-1782 by David Hoyt of Deerfield, Massachusetts, records financial transactions in the order they occurred. An innkeeper and wigmaker, Hoyt’s day book includes exchanges with free and enslaved African Americans of goods such as textiles, as well as labor.

Table of contents

1751 to 1782

(PVMA#: PVMA 5341)

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Lucy Terry Dr to Cash 9/ 1754 Aug 28 Lucy Terry Prince, 9 842
[List of those buying salt from David Hoyt, no date.]: heber 1 Bushel [salt] 0-8-0 1755 Heber Honestman, 843
Cill [?] Prince Dr to handkerchied 5/0 to Sundries Davids Shop 1/7 to an apron 1/0 to a pare of Shoes 7/0to paid Doct Barnard 1/4 [?] to Cash 2/5 to Pare of Stockings 5/5 1782 Nov Drucilla Prince, 1 2 9 543
[Cill [?] Prince Dr] to keeping horses 5 nights 4/4 to bushel of indian corn 3/4 1783 Jan Drucilla Prince, 7 8 562
[Cill [?] Prince Dr] to a par of Shoes D Sexton 8/0 1783 Jan Drucilla Prince, 8 844
[Cill [?] Prince Dr] to Cash and [?ring] [?] [?] Docr Barnard [Lemuel?] 1/7 to bushel of _ Corn 6/0 1783 Feb Drucilla Prince, 7 7 618
Cill Prince Dr to sundries Shop [Thom s] /8 to Cash pd son & hannah 5/8 to Eight Pounds flour @ /8 5/4 1783 Mar Drucilla Prince, 5 4 719
[Cill [?] Prince Dr] to Cash /6 to 1/2 bushel Corn 6/0 1783 Apr 1 Drucilla Prince, 6 6 626
Cill [?] Prince Jn [?] / Dr [?] to Checkt Cloath and Cash 3/4 [?] to Cash 3/0 1783 May 31 Drucilla Prince, 6 4 720
[Cill [?] Prince Dr] to sundries Cloath of thred 4/2 to Cash 11/6 All paid 1783 May Drucilla Prince, 15 8 563
[Cill [?] Prince Jn [?] / Dr [?]] to pair of Cloath Shoes 6/0 1783 Jun Drucilla Prince, 6 845
[Cill [?] Prince Jn [?] / Dr [?]] to Cash pd Nab and David 4/6 1783 Jul Drucilla Prince, 4 6 627
Cill Prince Dr to 5 yards toe Cloath 10/0 to Cash 1/4 1783 Aug Drucilla Prince, 1 4 718

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Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id