Samuel and John Wilson Account Book

Deerfield, MA
This account book was jointly used by Samuel Wilson (1748-1815) and his son John Wilson (1782-1869) from 1794-1823. Samuel owned a farm in the Great River (northern section) of Deerfield, Massachusetts, and John was an agriculturist and inventor active in town affairs. Their shared account book records transactions involving exchanges grain, produce, printing, surveying, and labor. It is part of a collection of more than 600 account books currently in the library of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association kept by local merchants, professionals, farmers, craftspeople, and business firms from the 17th - 20th centuries.

Table of contents

1794 to 1823 1794 - 1823

(PVMA#: PVMA 5416)

Entry Date AA Name(s) $  £  s  p  f id
Isaac Canada Dr to ferriages from 19 July 1800 to 1st June 1801 0-66-7 1800 Issac Canada, 1320
Spencer Root - Montague see note 1804 Spencer Root, 1321
Spencer Root Montague Contra side 1804 , 2027
Joseph Salisbury see note, continued 1805 Joseph Salisbury, 1323
Joseph Salisbury see note 1805 Joseph Salisbury, 1322
[Joseph Salisbury acct. continued; much the same with addition of "work in the garden, "mowing."] 1805 Joseph Salisbury, 1324
Joseph Salisbury Contra side 1805 Joseph Salisbury, 2028
Joseph Salisbury Dr continued 1806 Joseph Salisbury, 2029
Joseph Salisbury Contra side 1806 Joseph Salisbury, 2030
Isaac Canada Cr to three ounces of Indigo D 1/Doz = 3 = 0-50-00 1809 , 2026

top of page

No Volume assigned

Entry Date AA Name AA Name(s) Owner $  £  s  p  f id