The Reverend Isaac Chauncey served as the minister for the town of Hadley, Massachusetts, from 1696 until his death in 1745. His gravestone epitaph included a glowing testimonial, describing Chauncey as "a truly peaceable and catholick spirit, a good scholar, an eloquent orator, an able divine, a lively, pathetick preacher, a burning and shining light in this candlestick, an exemplary christian, an Isralite indeed, in whom was no guile." In his History of Hadley published postuhumously in 1905, Sylvester Judd noted that the Reverend Chauncey "offended against right, by holding persons in bondage: enslaving Arthur Prutt and his wife Joan who had seven children." Chauncey died in 1745 at age 74 and likely bequeathed Arthur and Joan's son, Caesar, to his son Josiah Chauncey.