Azubah was the wife of Peter Newport, Sr. They were enslaved to Joseph Billings of Hatfield, Massachusetts. They had five children, four boys and a girl, born between about 1760 and 1775. The daughter was born on April 26, 1775, and died on May 13. Azubah had died on May 1, probably from complications giving birth. Joseph Billings stipulated in his 1781 will that "the children of the said Peter, to wit Jonah, Peter, Eliphalet and Amos, shall be manumitted and set free as soon as they shall arrive, respectively, at the age of twenty-one years; in the mean time they shall be subjected to, under the control of, and in the immediate service of, my aforesaid loving cousins David Billing and Silas Billing." Joseph Billings died in 1783, and none of Azubah's sons had yet reached the age of 21 years.