In 1770, Charles Phelps of Hadley, Massachusetts purchased Caesar from William Williams of New Marlborough, Massachusetts. He paid £66, 13 shillings. (bill of sale, Porter-Phelps-Huntington Papers, Box 4, Folder 15)
In 1776, Caesar was a soldier at Fort Ticonderoga on the shores of Lake Champlain in New York. He sent the following letter (likely dictated to someone.) It appears that he was concerned that Phelps might sell him to Captain Cranston.
Camp at Ticontoroga, Sept the 30 ye 1776, Sir I take this oppertunity to Enform you that I dont Entend to Live With Capt Cranston if I Can helpit and I Would Be glad if you Would Send me a letter that I may git my Wagers for I have not got any of my Wagers and I Want to know how all the Folks Do at home and I Desire yor Prayers for me While in the Sarves and if you Determin to Sel me I Want you Shud Send me my Stock and Buckel. So no more at Present But I Remain your Ever Faithful Slave, Sezor Phelps (Porter-Phelps-Huntington Papers, Box 4, Folder 12)