Hezekiah was from Hatfield, Massachusetts. He was born in 1761. According to Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (Vol. 13, pgs. 14 & 64), he was 5 feet, 6 inches (or 10 inches) tall with a dark complexion and dark hair. He was a farmer.
An 1835 pension roll gives Reed’s rank as private. He was allowed $96 per year and received a total of $859.73. His pension began on April 20, 1818, and he was placed on the roll on Sept. 6, 1819. He died on April 3, 1827, at the age of 66.
Military Service
Entry | Source | Vol Name | Date | entry id |
• Reed, Hezekiah Hatfield | Minority Military Service - Massachusetts 1775-1783 | 1775-1783 | 1775 | 1550 |